The parts 38773-1, 27165, 400C1M, 895-20885-ITEM-22, 250-24430 and NSN 5340014506688, 5305011949030, 4810010858826, 3040011888605, 3040011921381 of CAGE code 59022 is manufactured by Flo Tork Inc. At AOG Purchasing, we provide a database of CAGE codes to help our customers search for the parts they need from the sources they want. As an ASAP Semiconductor website, we give our clients access to over three billion different parts, and cross-reference CAGE codes 59022 with NSN numbers and part numbers to ensure you always get the parts you need and get them as fast as possible. If you’d like to get started, you can submit a Request for Quote form.
Address :ORRVILLE, OH, 44667-0068, 199 UNITED STATES | |||
Status : A | Type : A | Woman Owned : N | Business Type : - |
Business Size : A | Primary Business : J | CAO Code : S3605A | ADP Code : HQ0337 |
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